Friday, 15 June 2012

Voices in Our Heads

Greetings, fellow Eathlings.
First off, I want to apologise for the extensive time I haven’t shown up with a post. Not that I have a very good reason, it’s because I’m far too lazy.
Anyway, recently I was derping around on the internet like any other day in my not-so-eventful Summer Holidays. When, I saw this:

Crazy, right?
The internet also has scientific explanations and stuff like that, basically stuff that just goes over my head. But if you’re one of the sharper tools in the shed, I think you should totally go check it out.

But, what’s captivating is, that perhaps our brain is made of tiny universes. So, maybe, there are LOTS of people in a minute brain cell, which group with other brain cells to form the brain in your head, which helps in your existence. You’re a part of a universe, which is probably a brain cell in some other guy’s brain, which helps in some other guy’s existence... and so on. It just about goes on FOREVER. I repeat, crazy.

So, when you’re feeling down, try not to think of the fact that you’re just an insignificant organelle in a tiny brain cell of someone else’s. Think instead, of the fact that if you let your guard down, then (Considering you’re an important part) the whole cell might be destroyed. In this case, the whole Universe. (Which is probably not true.) But, no pressure ^_^

So we part once again, fellow organelles, and hopefully not for long. 

--SiruslyAdu, some editing by Mistleupa

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Shakespeare was a Precognitive

A quote by Shakespeare, "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born greatsome achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them Act II, Scene V  of the play Twelfth Night. This has recently become famous with the picture
Coincidence? I think not.

The thing I like about this quote is that it combines my three favorite series, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games. Here are some more awesome pictures. 

--Mistleupa, Siriuslyadu(who doesn't like to be on time)

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Marvel Meme

To quote Mother Teresa,
"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
 Marvel(Jack Quaid) from the 74th Hunger Games surely agrees to this. He smiled so well that he got his own meme for it. 
Marvel looks like HerpDerp.

It is a pretty short post. U jelly?

--Mistleupa, Siriuslyadu

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Our QR Barcode

Post the Barcode on the Website which will bring you to the website isn't the smartest idea but eh?

Saturday, 31 March 2012

The Origin Of The Troll face

A preponderance of you guys will be fully aware of the Troll Face, one of the first meme that became an internet phenomenon around 2010, and continues to retain its position worldwide.  Believe me, and I think you do, the Troll Face has gone through a fair amount to become what it is today.

                                    Inline image 1
It started with a deviantART post.
(For those of you who aren’t familiar with that term, or simply forgot, it’s this really awesome online community that displays these amazing artworks. You can also get awesome fan art there =D)

It was a Microsoft Paint comic on the subject of the pointless nature of trolling uploaded by deviantART user Whynne and was uploaded on September 19th, 2008. He said he was attempting to portray a comic character recognized as “Rape Rodent” in his post.

                                               Inline image 2

The global sensation began with the following comic.
                                          Inline image 3
Yes, this was the beginning of troll. That ^ is where it all began.

                                            Inline image 4                    

Somewhere around July 2011, Carlos Ramirez (who claimed to be Whynne) Decided to be Badass And sent Reddit a copy write claim. 
The best part was the picture made for the occasion. 

              Inline image 1

 The first Urban Dictionary definition for “trollface” was posted on August 1st, 2009.
A Facebook fan page named “Troll Face” reached 167,994 likes as of 31st March, 2012.
The Troll Face is a major milestone in mankind’s strive towards awesomeness.

We part again, readers, and hopefully for a short time.

                  Inline image 3

--Siriuslyadu, edited by Mistleupa

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Modern Art

Art. It is a phrase that describes an assorted collection of human proceedings and the result of those proceedings.  Art can be articulated in the variety of a charming piece of music composed by a talented Performer, in the form of a beautiful structure made by the hands of a ingenious Sculptor, in the form of a vibrant depiction painted by the hands of a visionary Artist or in the form of various and pioneering objects made by gifted and recursive Artisans. (For more information, just click  Art).

But my favourite kind Meme Faces. Frankly, I find them quite amazing. I mean, first of all, they’re HILARIOUS. Second, they’re so undemanding. They’re a bunch of lines that fit together to form a face that’s so accurate to the situation. I find it amazing. 

   I mean, would you rather potray a smile like this: 
Or like this?
As I said, they’re also very accurate. They convey something all of us feel, deep inside. But we never say it. It can be small things, like:

                                            And this one is a classic. 

You guys have probably done all of these. You have! Don’t deny it! Because, if you haven’t, you’ve probably had a crappy childhood.

And some are just creepily confusing:

--Siriuslyadu, tiny bit of editing by Mistleupa

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

This Post is a Post

This is the blog's first post. It is meant to have a cool topic to it, but it doesn't. Topics are pretty lame. Unless they are cool. But cool topics are neutral, as the lameness is subtracted by the coolness. You know the same logic that goes on in the neuleus of the atom. Off Topic. Sorry I tend to do that often. >_< 
So since I didn't have a topic I decided to add some pictures. Enjoy all it you can, Mwahahahah!


-Mistleupa, edited by Siriuslyadu