Sunday, 22 December 2013

A conversation between us.

It's a Blackberry. What can you even expect?


Not even that. You just have to brace yourself prior to using it.

No silly, that is for tumblr.

Same difference, really.

One makes you insane and the other makes you high, too big a difference really.

Being high is temporary insanity. Both make you want to die or go hide under a rock and give up on technology completely. I beg to differ.
That officially makes 10.42% more epic.

High does not mean insanity... being high is escaping a sexually transmitted terminal disease called life.
Don't ask why I know this.

Dionysus. God of ecstasy, the grape harvest. Of wine-making and wine. And insanity.
Don't worry. I won't.

Gods, I love him. I mean how awesome is it to live your life without a care in the world and your negative emotions suppressed.

It's not. It's not really "living your life". When everything is perfect, nothing is. Do you know what I mean? But I guess that kind of gets ruled out when you're an all-powerful immortal that rules Olympus.

When nothing is perfect, all you want is perfection and getting your mind lost in this void of oblivion is one way of getting that. I think that is what Dionysus stands for, the ability to let go when nothing will stay.

When everything is perfect, all you want is some imperfection. The very feeling of wanting perfection is what life is. Getting lost in this void of oblivion is exactly that. It's a void. Empty. That's exactly what Dionysus stands for, but he stands for it as a part of life. That's why there are other Gods. Too much perfection is imperfection. Too much of anything is imperfection. Too much of getting lost and not living your life, definitely is.

But in this said void there is no perfection nor is there any imperfection. There is nothing. All is weights pulling you down and the helium filled elastic balls pulling you up don't exists. So it is basically a state of bliss where anything and everything doesn't matter. You can't love, hate, fear, respect, spit on anything that is don't care about. The other Gods must exist, I said nothing about that, and if other Gods didn't exist we would be living in a monotonous world where everyone was happy. But no that is not how life works. There is Happiness, yes. Sadness. Anger. Youth. Kindness. Mirth. Fear. Bravery. Curiosity. And without each and every one of them life as we know it would collapse.

If you can't love, hate, fear, respect and (if you insist) spit on anything, you're not living it. You wouldn't know life. There would be no "life as we know it", it wouldn't exist. And that's too big a sacrifice to make for temporary bliss. Bliss is relief. Bliss is positive. If there is nothing to feel, how would you feel bliss? You would feel nothing. Not even bliss. And is that any better than life getting destroyed? If you're ignorant to the existence of what living a life actually is, there is no difference. Ignorance is bliss, yes. But is it worth it when you can't even feel it?

That is what I am saying; temporarily bliss gives you chance to take a deep breath from life but in the end you have to get back into your sorrowful sexually transmitted disease. And ignorance is not the same as unemotional. Speaking from experience, when you are impassive you do feel each and every single thing but you don't show it because you rather suffer your miseries alone. Being unemotional on the other hand means not feeling anything, period. And when that happens your life is basically not worth living.

Life is life and it is always worth living. However bad whatever's happening to you is, you have to move on. There's someone out there with a life a bazillion thousand times worse. Life doesn't have to be a misery if you live it right. And even if it is, deal with it. Get help. If your life's not worth living, make it worth living. Something you don't like? Change it. As simple as that. There are better things is life. Humans tend to focus on the negative side of things, forgetting that every coin has two sides. For everything that makes your life a dark, there's a tiny sun. The shadows in your life are because of you standing in the way of the sun. All you need to do is move forward. And escaping is never the answer to anything. Face it.

Life may not always be worth it. Sometime the negatives out way the positive but the only way to balance the scale of life is by adding the positives and for some people the positive account to ignoring the negatives thus ignorance is bliss. There may be light in your life but I there is life there has got to be darkness. Plus it is human tendency to look at the negatives because they are what hurt the most because it is emotion that drives us into doing whatever we want to do. If you are standing in the way of the sun it is because you want some of its light. And I am not saying you don't get it but everything has its price and the price of light is darkness. And people usually choose the easy part and follow the darkness rather than taking the hard part and doing the right thing. It is human thinking. And if we stop thinking like human we stop becoming human.

Ah, but if you stand in the way of the sun for too long, you burn. Now you should let light do its thing. If you want light from the sun, let it fall on its own. Negatives overpower positives is what we think, because as you said and as I said, it is human tendency. It's human thinking, that's the way it is, right? But just because it is, doesn't mean it should be. Improving doesn't mean you've stopped being a person, it just means you've become a better one. It's not like God decided to specifically ruin a particular person's life. Ultimately, it's your choice. You choose which path you want to walk. The dark one, or the lit one. And once you make a choice, you face the consequences. And if we do the easier thing and take the darker path, you end up in that aforementioned void of oblivion, where life isn't life and living isn't living. You forget the pain, but you forget even the things you need to live for. If you take the hard path and do the right thing, your life won't be perfect. It won't even be completely, absolutely happy. But it will be life. The imperfection of it makes it perfect. At the end of the day, you choose your fate. Everybody dies but not everybody lives. And we have no one to blame but ourselves, as individuals.

You do choose your life. By the people you interact with and the choices you make make you who you are. And this journey of creating yourselves you will invariably choose the more perfect option because you want perfection in your life. And imperfections just hinder the way of your life. Say you got 14 out of 25 on a test. You can't just say this is imperfect and that make life perfect. No. Imperfections make you want to achieve your perfections. And it makes you want to keep trying because in the end of the day it is all about you. And I couldn't agree more that we are who are to blame for how our life has turned out. And we are also who are to blame on what is going to come ahead. And some choose to just keep weeping on what's wrong. Others change it. And the majority to forget their troubles for a brief period of time because that is the easiest option and it is not the right one. I think that is why drinking and weeding is a sin.
Weeding is a word I invented 5 seconds back.

The getting 14 on 25 isn't what makes life what it is, it is the resolution to do better next time. Life isn't perfect at all. The falling down is the bad part. But instead of "getting lost into oblivion", the getting up and working harder is what living your life is. So it's improving the imperfections, the existence of imperfection in your life, that's what life is about. That's what a "perfect" life is.
And anyway, if you were not justifying weeding (cool word btw) I think we're arguing on the same thing. What the hell.

I am pretty sure we are. I have known that for some time now. But I liked the conversation so I went. I don't know if you realized or not but people in general only see what they want to see. There are very few who see the other side and even fewer who care because humans are selfish by nature. They always have been. That is how humans from gatherers and hunters became framers because they got the same amount of food by cultivated and it took much else energy. And from this agricultural revolution, civilizations formed. Life were built and empires too. So which ever smart person said selfishness was a sin never really looked at the other side of the story.

Technically, selfishness isn't a sin. Humans have been committing sins since the very beginning of time, and probably before that too. Almost everything that we do is selfish. In fact, there is barely anything on this planet that is selfless. Selfishness in itself has become a negative thing, but when you do something good for someone for the satisfaction of doing well, technically, you are selfish. But that isn't a sin. For being selfless, then, you have to do good stuff and not feel good about it. Very few things like that exist, for me, at least.

And at the end of the day does selflessness really exist? Maybe in a minimum extend like offering the last piece of checklists to someone because you don't want it as much as the other. But what I mean is that selfishness doesn't deserve to be negative because selfishness is the root of every human. Some foolish humans mistake selfishness for greediness. But aren't by a bit stupid. There may be a fine line of difference but there is one. Greediness is excessive. Selfishness is just enough for yourself. It wants something. And no human can live without wanting anything because that would lead to no one having an aim in their life. They would be lost.

Exactly. Selfishness is existing. Selflessness is coincidental. And that's why I think Abnegation is crap. Being selfless isn't important. Not being greedy is.

It was suppose to be crap. It was suppose to die. And then she was suppose to have an revaluation on the way is live and what she believed in. It is intended because abnegation literally means the act of renouncing or rejecting something.
Or Self-denial. And the Erudites were smart enough to understand that they were all takes and that is the reason they disliked them.

Correct. That's why I like Erudite. Taking a logical approach rather than an emotional one is way more convenient.

Yeah. But I like dauntless because they defy logic and just listen to their heart.

Listening to the heart can be a dangerous thing. If you let your heart and not your brain guide you, you make choices emotionally. And that can lead to weeding (as derived from our conversation).
But please can we not argue about which faction is better because obviously we won't agree with each other

Listening to your heart doesn't let foreign substances affect your deduction. If you use your brain to make every decision it will most probably be revised a million times and not be who you really are. The brain can be manipulated but the heart. That is always true to who you really are and if you can truly listen to your heart it will guide you to the right path. But this topic isn't really debatable because I bet you are looking at it from your perspective which most probably is like making a decision about answer to choose in an MCQ. On the other hand I am looking at it from the view of like choosing what ice cream I want or something.

Okay, when I choose an ice cream flavor I choose it because I know it's what i like best and it won't be logical to waste it on something I hate. Listening to your brain doesn't mean ignoring your heart, it means controlling it.
Also, the brain is who you really are because if you get manipulated easily it's your fault. The manipulated you becomes the true you. The heart wastes time on useless details.

You can never control anything; especially a heart.  When you listen to your Brain you are ignoring your heart or they are on the same page and the brain they never who you are because the society brain washes us into thinking how they want us to think. They put thought in our head which we are forced to believe in. And the brain wants to listen to society unless you're a wolf. But almost everyone is a sheep and just follows what society tells them to follow. Very few of the wolves actually control their own stream of thought, but your heart. Your instinct will never fail you. And in a 1 second decision your heart will always overpower the mind.

Not true. Your brain can control your heart. Your heart doesn't want what is right, it wants what it wants. In the end all that matters is whether you want to do the right thing or the thing that makes you happy. It depends on who you're talking about failing. A decision made by the heart, your instinct, may give you temporary happiness but if it isn't the right thing to do, you have failed your duty as a human being. Also, do you think the Erudite brains are the kind that let the society ruin the brain? Erudite brains are way more powerful. Knowledge is power, after all.

Every little human that is born is born with a good heart. And a heart which is strong enough will not let any bad spirits penetrate through it. And it your heart is dark it is because you let your mind tricking you into doing something wrong. In the modern world almost every single person has been trained into listening to their mind. Why? Because then it is easier for society to control little minions. And you say Erudite brain makes thing work yes. It is. But it also ruined Abnegation because the brain can easily be influenced. And it was influenced into destroying a faction. Knowledge is power. But power is also beating the crap out of someone and instilling fear in them.

Every little human that is born is born with a good brain. And a brain which is strong enough will not let any bad spirits penetrate through it.
You say brains get influenced, fine. Are you saying hearts don't? In fact decisions made with a heart involve emotion. It involves feeling, feeling of love, want for vengeance, revenge. A strong enough brain doesn't get influenced that easy. A good enough brain doesn't beat the crap out of people. The Erudites were led by Jeanine. Also, in this world, it's the survival of the fittest. The Abnegation took decisions obviously with lack of heart and obviously without their brain. They did this to themselves. If I wanted someone to rule, sure, it would be a person with a good heart, but not a goof that cries every time something happens. I would want a practical leader. Fear is good. It keeps us in our limits.

Brains. Brains. Brains. Anyway a brain is never good or bad. It is either smart or stupid. Smart people can be good or bad. Stupid people can also be good or bad. And feelings are what drives a person to do something. Good or bad. It is feelings like sympathy to help another. Or fear to listen to someone. Or love to get a gateway for happiness. In the end you need to be smart but you also have to have a lion heart. Goodnight.

Mistleupa and Siriuslyadu

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